This Weekend = Halloween. Mind = Blown.
Seriously how the heck did that sneak up on us?? I'm just going to assume you are equally baffled. If by chance you are totally on top of things I send you a stink face followed by a virtual high-five.
I love bringing you guys full out projects on Wednesday...but that's not really going to happen today. Instead I'm giving you a recipe review and another costume SNEAK PEAK!
First things first, the recipe for this ooey gooey deliciousness:
A little back story: I looooove blogs and I have my favorites that I check in on EVERY day. First on the list is Iowa Girl Eats. Seriously go check her out. She's lovely. My following of her goes back to my pre-vegan days, and that old Allie can totally vouch for all of her kitchen genius. Easy and delicious. Put this lady in your bookmarks.
Last week she posted a recipe for Mini Pumpkin Sticky Buns. A quick browse through showed that they are easy and easily veganizable! Win!
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The process is all its deliciousness. |
Here's what I changed: Earth Balance instead of butter (this was the only veganizing, the rest are based on what we had in the pantry). Walnuts instead of Pecans. Sweet Potato Butter instead of Pumpkin Butter. Regular instead of Mini. For the life of me I could not figure out how she made her's so small. I started out putting them together in a mini muffin tin and barely had any room! Oh well. Full sized muffin tins worked great. Also the whole flipping them over and out of the tin...magical :) Go check out the original recipe for more info!
In other news...
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The final Divergent book came out yesterday!!! It's on my Nook and ready to be read, but I'm resisting. I know once I start I won't be able to put it down and currently I've got this to work on...
Costume Sneak Peak Alert!!!
Yup, last night I sat on the floor cutting and tying yarn well past my bedtime. What was Mike doing?
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They caught me. |
Cuddling with doodlebrain and cheering on team Blake. I'm such a good wifey :)
Any new guesses on what we are going to be?? Comment below!
I will definitely be trying those sticky buns-yum! I'm totally stumped on the costume, but I like that you are giving little hints. Based on your track record, I'm sure they will turn out incredible.